Oriental medicine is able to care for mother and baby in a non-intrusive, balanced way. Women who receive acupuncture have been shown to have smoother labor with a quicker recovery.
Acupuncture and herbs can treat:
- Anemia Breech Labor Induction
- Constipation Colds/flu Diarrhea
- Hemmroids High Blood Pressure Low back pain
- Morning sickness Threatened abortion Vaginal infections
Oriental medicine is effective both as treatment for infertility and also when used in conjunction with fertility medications. Many people chose to try Oriental medicine first as the cost is significantly less and the body may be more receptive to fertility medications should assisted therapies be needed.
Recent literature suggests that the average pregnancy takes 8 months for conception. Most women I see have a timeline in which they would like to have a baby and start seeking assistance after 6 months or longer. For couples with unexplained infertility, acupuncture and herbs are very effective with high success rates. The reason can be explained by understanding that small/simple shifts in hormone/relaxation levels can create a much better chance at conception in the short window of fertility time.
The endocrine system is very delicate and affected by many things including stress. Acupuncture can aid relaxation, uterine blood flow and hormone balance.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine offers safe, cost effective, noninvasive approach to conception by treating the following conditions:
- Advanced maternal age
- Amenorrhea
- Anovulation
- Endometriosis
- High FSH levels
- Hormonal imbalance
- Immunologic Infertility
- Luteal Phase Defect
- Male Factor Infertility (except sterility)
- Polycystic Ovaries
- Recurrent Miscarriage
- Tubal Obstruction
- Unexplained Infertility
- Uterine Fibroids
If assisted reproductive therapies such as IVF or IUI are needed, acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help prepare the body to function optimally. It assists the body in producing more follicles and eggs raising the chances of conception and preparing the uterus and body for pregnancy. Acupuncture performed before and after an IVF transfer increases the chances of pregnancy by about 50%. In addition, acupuncture can reduce the possible toxic side effects of the fertility drugs.
If you are considering treatment with an acupuncturist you will want to begin recording your Basal Body Temperature as soon as possible. This is accomplished by recording your temperature every morning upon waking and before getting out of bed. If you don't have a chart available call or e-mail me and I will send you one.
Both qi and blood are lost during labor, and Oriental medicine helps to replenish thme so that long-term effects of delivery are minimized. After delivery acupuncture is a wonderful way to restore the health and energy to a new mom. Acupuncture and herbs can treat the following postpartum conditions:
- Complications from Cesarean section
- Insufficient lactation
- Mastitis
- Postpartum depression
- Thyroid conditions
Nearly 50% of American women will be menopausal by 2015. Current estimations are that 20 million women are now menopausal and by 2010 that number will be 60 million. Today's women have many more options than her mother or grandmother did to address the symptoms of menopause and effects of aging. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are very helpful in slowing bone loss and even increasing bone density. Chinese medicine has the added advantage of needing to be used for a limited time. Acupuncture and herbs can treat the following conditions during menopause:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Hot flashes
- Insomnia
- Migraines
- Night sweats
- Osteoporosis
- Poor concentration/memory loss
- Vaginal dryness and Itching
- Loss of libido
Fertility Treatment History
Basal Body Temp Chart |